Development through capacity building

Survey, processing and statistical analysis techniques

Duration: 2 weeks || Tunis from 04 to 15 August 2025
Price : 3 600 € || Register

Interest and purpose of the training

The aim of this training is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of survey research methods. The seminar syllabus covers every stage of the survey process, from design to analysis. It is intended for participants who plan to design and carry out their own survey, as well as those who need to analyze data from either their own, or from existing surveys.

The training will focus on the following objectives:

  • Provide participants with a methodological framework that covers the entire survey process. As a result, participants will be able to maximize the reliability and validity of their survey-based findings.
  • Enable participants to develop the practical knowledge and statistical skills that are required to carry out high quality survey research. This will give participants the required expertise to design high quality surveys and to generate high quality results.

Course outlines

  • An overview of the survey process
  • Introduction to survey methods
  • Processing and statistical analysis techniques of survey data
  • Qualitative Data collection
  • Getting started with analysis
  • Reliability and validity
  • Measurement and factor analysis
  • Advanced measurement issues

Useful Information


For participants coming from countries in which Tunisia does not have a consular representation…

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Reception and Referral

CODEV International dedicated team will assist you during your entire stay; they respond quickly and accurately to your queries and provide ongoing assistance until you arrive at your destination….

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CODEV assists you in your booking process at the hotel where the training will take place….

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Discovering Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the few countries that can well and truly cater for the masses. It manages to combine climate, golden beaches, History, shopping and create something of an all-round experience…

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