Development through capacity building

Training: Specialist Manager in water and sanitation Management

Duration: 2 weeks || Tunis from 05 to 16 May 2025
Price : 4 000 € || Register Online training

Interest and purpose of the training

By the end of the training, participants will be able to control the effective management of the water and sanitation works:

  • Master the techniques of installation and maintenance of drinking water and sanitation, rainwater and wastewater
  • Delimit the scope of involvement of municipalities in the management of structures
  • Identify the actors who are involved in the management of these works and their responsibilities

Course outlines

  • Introduction to Specialist Manager in Water and Sanitation Management Profession
  • Water cycle and responsibilities of the actors
  • Drinking water (knowledge of the drinking water system, pathology of structures and repair techniques, problems of fountains, water supply unserved by networks Areas)
  • Storm water (methodological approach of storm water management, knowledge of the network, pathology of works, maintenance work (cleaning, repair), financing of maintenance works of the storm water network, development and implementation of a network maintenance strategy)
  • Wastewater (methodological approach and inventory, maintenance and management of treatment plants, problems of individual sanitation, mode of intervention of municipalities - regulating processes)
  • Project to develop during the professional sequence


Successful completion of exams corrected by CODEV International and the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT) is recognized by the delivery of official certification awarding the participant as Specialist Manager in water and sanitation Management.

Useful Information


For participants coming from countries in which Tunisia does not have a consular representation…

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Reception and Referral

CODEV International dedicated team will assist you during your entire stay; they respond quickly and accurately to your queries and provide ongoing assistance until you arrive at your destination….

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CODEV assists you in your booking process at the hotel where the training will take place….

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Discovering Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the few countries that can well and truly cater for the masses. It manages to combine climate, golden beaches, History, shopping and create something of an all-round experience…

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