Development through capacity building

Training in Municipal Development, Decentralization, and Municipality Management

Duration: 2 weeks|| Tunis from 01 to 12 July 2024
Price : 3 600 € || Register

Interest and purpose of the training

  • Taking account of transition issues for sustainable local development. and deconcentration: origins and multiple forms
  • Relations between the State and local authorities: convergences, divergences and articulations
  • The operation of local authorities: the decentralised exercise of powers linked to territorial development
  • Public space, general interest, democracy, governance, civil society and citizenship: concepts
  • Knowing and understanding the movements of local development and territorial development to move from project mode to a territorial approach to development
  • Understand the role of local development in the transformation of territories and analyse its practices
  • To set up and manage territorial governance and coordination mechanisms
  • Build diagnostic/leadership tools focused on supporting change

Course outlines

  • Decentralisation and deconcentration: origins and multiple forms
  • Territory, territorial development, local development and sustainable development
  • Relations between the State and local and regional authorities: convergences, divergences and articulations.
  • The operation of local authorities: the decentralised exercise of powers linked to territorial development
  • Public space, general interest, democracy, governance, civil society and citizenship: concepts
  • Support for decentralisation processes: positions and approaches.
  • A framework for reading a process and local governance
  • Stakes and framing of a policy and a strategy for territorial coordination
  • Understanding and analysing a territory: prospective territorial diagnosis in the light of transitions and territorial social innovation

Useful Information


For participants coming from countries in which Tunisia does not have a consular representation…

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Reception and Referral

CODEV International dedicated team will assist you during your entire stay; they respond quickly and accurately to your queries and provide ongoing assistance until you arrive at your destination….

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CODEV assists you in your booking process at the hotel where the training will take place….

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Discovering Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the few countries that can well and truly cater for the masses. It manages to combine climate, golden beaches, History, shopping and create something of an all-round experience…

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