Development through capacity building

Gender Equality in Sustainable Development and Climate Issues

Duration: 2 weeks|| Tunis from 14 to 25 July 2025
Price : 3 600 € || Register

Interest and purpose of the training

Approaches to sustainable development and gender equality are rarely interlinked. However, they are similar in terms of the attention paid to the involvement of stakeholders and the analysis of the implications of environmental, social, economic and cultural factors, and their joint consideration reinforces each other.

The emergence of these approaches calls into question the traditional notion of development, particularly in the current context of the fight against climate change and the new Sustainable Development Goals, from local to national level. It is against this backdrop that this training course aims to demonstrate that the operational implementation of these issues in strategies and projects makes it possible to meet the requirements of human rights and the ecological situation, as well as improving the quality and effectiveness of actions.

Main themes to be developed

  • Introduction to the place and contribution of sustainable development and gender in cooperation, international solidarity, local development and the ecological transition
  • Basic concepts relating to community development micro-projects
  • From development to sustainable development.
  • From the "integrating women in development" approach to the "gender and development" approach: history, issues, actors and players.
  • Applications in terms of projects, advocacy and citizenship education, and the way organisations operate
  • Gender, sustainable development, climate and project cycle management: how to integrate them into the various stages of a project, from design to evaluation
  • Practical case studies.
  • Summary and recommendations

Useful Information


For participants coming from countries in which Tunisia does not have a consular representation…

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Reception and Referral

CODEV International dedicated team will assist you during your entire stay; they respond quickly and accurately to your queries and provide ongoing assistance until you arrive at your destination….

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CODEV assists you in your booking process at the hotel where the training will take place….

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Discovering Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the few countries that can well and truly cater for the masses. It manages to combine climate, golden beaches, History, shopping and create something of an all-round experience…

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